Back in rehearsals

We’re four weeks into being able to meet up again after the easing of lockdown restrictions and it’s great to back playing together. Being able to sit together in a semicircle and play as an ensemble is such a simple thing and is simply joyous. Listening is sharper somehow as we work on timing and balanced tone and volume and long may it last. We’re busy working up four new works to add to our repertoire as well as checking on older pieces.

Concert – St Martin’s Church 29th July

Music for a Summers Evening: St. Martin’s Church, Thompson

With the applause of a very appreciative audience for our performance of our last piece Tico Tico ringing in our ears, we were able to take a well earned bow for a job well done. Delivering a concert performance always raises our playing and tonight was no exception with all the elements of our rehearsals coming together. The Suite Antique (H. Fackler) and the Concerto in A major (GP Telemann) were particular highlights for us and appreciative comments from the audience on other pieces we performed.

Unusually for us, this was a mixed concert where we shared the stage with Karen Allen and A Cappella Quartet who were both fantastic and added significantly to our enjoyment of the occasion. The audience of over 100 who braved a somewhat rainy and blustery evening to help raise funds for restoration of the church were very welcoming and enjoyed the whole event.

Our thanks to all the organisers for making this a night to remember.


Rehearsal – Monday, 8th July

Our penultimate rehearsal prior to the Thompson Heritage Concert on 27th July at 07:30 pm St Martins Church, saw Rod Faulkner our musical director putting us through a very demanding session, where the finer technical points to the Fackler (Suite Antique) Teleman and California Dreaming were looked at in detail. I feel sure that all of the hard work will pay off.


Rehearsal Day – 3rd July 2019

In preparation for our upcoming concert on 27th July in Thompson Church (see events page), we met for one of our occasional study days to work on our ensemble playing. These are enjoyable and rewarding days where we work through our programme focusing in detail on dynamics, balance and performance. We know the pieces but try to listen with fresh ears for ways to add clarity to the individual parts and narrative of each work. In the DGE this is a very democratic and dynamic process and great fun with everyone pitching in ideas and is surely the essence of good ensemble playing. Not all the ideas work but the process of trial and discovery is hugely rewarding and we all left buzzing with what we achieved. Home now to practice what we’ve worked on for the concert. Roll on the next study day! 


Guitar Federation Day

We had a good day at Milton Keynes yesterday (Sunday).  Various classical guitar societies from the south of England turned up to play together and to demonstrate their talents.  Thanks to the Milton Keynes ‘crew’ for hosting.

Working for the next concert!

The Diss Guitar Ensemble is now working towards their next concert on March 23rd in Saham Toney, and I have to say they are doing very, very well.

Everyone is developing great musical skills, listening intently to one another, balancing tone and volume very carefully for a really beautiful ensemble sound.

The programme will include works from Renaissance Spain through to Baroque, Classical and modern periods from around the World, with something for everyone, along with a great sense of enthusiasm.

As Musical Director I can only say how much they all deserve to be heard by as many people as possible, and for their hard work to be enjoyed and appreciated by others.



(I am not able to be with them as I have a Colibri Guitar Duo concert the same evening, playing in Marston Moretaine, near Bedford!)

Rod Faulkner                                                                                                                                    B.Ed. (Hons) Cantab.

Concert in November

We will be playing in Thompson Village Hall on November the 4th.  Well done to Phil for organising this and a big thank you to the hall’s committee for letting us play.  I will also take this opportunity to welcome Mike, our newest member.

Recording and Darsham Concert

A couple of weeks ago we managed to “lay down some tracks” as they (we :-)) say in the industry.  When I say some, I mean one and we didn’t go anywhere special but Rod brought his recording equipment into a rehearsal and we did a few runthroughs of the von Call Trio.  I knocked up a video version for Youtube and posted a link on this website.  It’s really satisfying to have a least one piece recorded and I am sure we will get some more done soon.

The next event is the Darsham concert on the 18th March – looking forward to it!

Roydon Church Concert

We played our Concert of Seasonal Guitar Music at St Remigius Church, Roydon yesterday afternoon.  It was very well received I believe and the audience particularly enjoyed the Christmas carols sing-along at the end.  Not standard fayre for a classical guitar concert I will grant you, but given it was mixed in with some beautiful (and complex) solo, duet and ensemble pieces I think overall the balance was about right.

We are hoping to arrange another concert for the first quarter of the New Year so I will keep you posted of developments…